May 13, 2024

Ask Me a Question: A New Feature from the Friar

ask me a question

Ask Me a Question

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where something came to your mind, a question, but you did not know who to ask or where to go? Searching the internet might be a start, but is what you find true and accurate? What if the question you have is not really answered, or you have follow-up questions?

For this reason, The Friar is starting a new feature, Ask Me a Question, to seek to provide a forum to ask questions. I am humble. I may not have the answers, but it can be a good place for discussion and finding the answer together.

We live in a time where many claim to have the answers but are not really interested in a conversation. They want to give answers, but do not always want to listen to the questions. Ask Me a Question is a way to ask about something you have wondered about, or about something you have talked about with a friend or relative and the conversation has left you curious.

The reason for this format is that while we often have questions, we can also find it difficult to find the time to seek out an answer. Ask Me a Question provides a way to ask a question at a time when you have it.

What types of questions? Well, while I am thinking primarily about questions concerning meaning, purpose, spirituality or religion, I suppose it could be about many things. But I am really thinking about questions that are really about the bigger questions that may not always have an easy answer. Ask Me a Question is really a chance to explore the big questions, while at the same time to provide a way also to ask simpler questions.

I realize that a forum for Ask Me a Question is not new, at the same time it is something that I think is needed in the age of information overload. Also, while I will try to make this a weekly thing, there may be answers that also appear at other times.

One other thing — this is not an advice column. It is rather an attempt to provide a way to seek out answers to significant or not so significant questions. I do not tell people what to do and Ask Me a Question is not designed for that purpose.

Ask Me a Question is part of a number of things featured on the Friar. There are recordings of homilies, based upon the readings of the day for Catholic Mass, opportunities to ask for prayer, and other features like updates from Dominican friars in Ukraine.